April 17, 2014

A Day To Be Remembered

I just came across my blog a few moments ago and realized that there's yet to be any blog entries for this year and it's already the month of April. This one should be a short one as I've still got to study for my finals. Why is it that I'm always finding other things to do during exam period the fact that I should actually be revising? Haha..

There's still one more paper to go for my finals and sad to say that this is the hardest paper among all. I've got tomorrow to study for my FR paper which I hope it's enough. Speaking about exams, I really did not expect this to happen to myself but eventually it did. Last Saturday during my HE paper, I was about to enter  the examination room and when I was about to reach out to my pocket for my wallet, it wasn't there! I was shock and lost for a brief moment as my student identification card was in my wallet. I went to the invigilator and told her my situation and she told me that I've got to verify my status before I'm allowed to enter the room. I knew it was only a one hour paper so I ran as fast as I could to the SBS office and luckily it didn't took long for the staff to verify my documents. I came back just in time to finish  my paper. Oh and I was also driving without my license that day :P

We're having a class trip to Penang after our finals and I'm really looking forward to it. Let's hope that I can make it through my last paper.