April 28, 2012

Enrolment Day

Wow, it took me exactly a week to finally post this. So last week was Enrolment Day 2012, I think I've posted  about this day for like 5 times since I started blogging. Haha.. but it's still something worth posting. It's actually the day where BB members officially enroll themselves into the company which is why it's call Enrolment Day. This is the 7th time attending and it's still a day I anticipated.

This year's enrolment was a simple one, with no march past and the outdoor parade ended very quickly. I was glad that I finally had the opportunity to be the parade commander this year cause most of the time I would be in the band. The service followed after the parade and then it was time for the announcement of promotion. I can see the anxiety in their faces that time, which bring back the memories when I was among them hoping to get promoted. This year, I was finally appointed as Staff Sergeant. I somehow feel old but I was still happy to be wearing the blue sash. Above all, congrats to those who got promoted and also to the newly appointed officers. :D

Staff Sergeant finally, she's my friend Janice :)

The service ended with both brigades taking group photos and a little refreshment outside. We went for Snowflakes after that before finally going home. Wee..

Well my sem break is up and I would be going back to college on Monday. I gotta feeling year 2 ain't gonna be that easy anymore. Haha..

April 6, 2012


1. 我的大名:陈捷易
02. 我的小名: kit ee
03. 谁传给你的:WAYNE CHAN -.-
04. 生日最想得到的礼物:收到礼物都算好咯 
05. 近期压力大的事 :没什么压力
06. 你的外号:kitty
07. 有没有喜欢的人 :有呱
08. 同学聚会要回去找老师吗:当然要啦
09. 跟谁出去最幸福 : 好兄弟
10. 如果你的两个好友吵架了你该怎么办 :看他们会不会吵到打架 :P
11. 跟情人最想去哪: 她喜欢的地方
12. 圣诞节要做啥 : 去教堂然后出去庆祝
13. 最想跟谁过圣诞节 :好朋友
14. 有没有赖床的习惯 :少少吧 xD
15. 有几个兄弟姐妹 :一个
16. 最喜欢的一首歌 :  一事事的
17. 喜欢什么颜色: 白
18. 现在在做什么 :回答第18题
19. 最想大声说什么 : 好sien啊!!
20. 半夜敢不敢自己上厕所: 我不想小便在裤子 -.-
21. 谁很欠打 :不懂
22. 现在很迷什么 : harvest moon.. LOL
23. 睡相 :还好呱 
24. 自己不敢吃的東西 : 太多了
25. 是否痛恨传给你点卷的人 :应该不会 :P
26. 你的座右铭 : 肉酸!
27. 天气 : 普通
28. 你若中乐透最想做什么: 中了才算
29. 大学生一定要玩的活动 :Dota!!
30. 引起失眠的原因 :沉迷电脑游戏
31. 近期开心的事:BB 赢了zon pudu 
32. 你经常通宵不睡 :没有咯,12点之前就睡了
33. 你会和爱自己的人还是自己爱的人結婚 : 会 :D

★你的偶像 :Taylor Swift :)
★你喜欢的季节 :秋天
★打工次数 : 很多次了
★你讨厌什么样的个性: 不准时的人
★你常哭吗: 开玩笑!!
★你常笑吗: 应该是
★朋友和情人你会选: 爸爸和妈妈你会选?
★这问卷多不多 :非话
★喜欢吃冰吗 :喜欢
★现在幸福吗 :决对幸福
★如果没有朋友你会怎样: forever alone xD
★你最没有耐心做的一件事是什么: 做完剩下那几题 -.-
★不想看书的时候怎么办 :睡觉 
★喜欢的人叫什么(外号也可以): 想知道? 去www.manmandeng.com吧 :D