December 3, 2013

Convo '13

Yup I'm officially graduated after 3 years of Diploma. This day marks the end of yet another chapter of my life and also a beginning of a new one. I'll make this short and let the pictures do most of the talking.

So a few days before the actual ceremony, we had our own photograph session at Taman Layang-Layang. We went there in the evening and boy am I glad to see most of my classmates again.

Our official convocation ceremony was held on Saturday but unfortunately we were divided in morning and afternoon sessions according to our names. I did met most of my classmates that day and also some of my new classmates. Ow and one more thing, the ceremony was seriously boring and the speech alone took more than half an hour.

Well I guess that's it for now. DAC9 had been and will always be part of my life. Till we meet again next time :')